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The Sharecropping Labor System Aftermath the Civil War

The Sharecropping Labor System Aftermath the Civil War. The sharecropping labor system was one of the event happened during the civil war in 1865. sharecropping means the agriculture labor system. Where this labor system developed in Georgia following the reconstruction in the South.

This labor system happened until the lasted mid-twentieth century. In this agreement or labor system, the laborers had no land to work on the farm, they need to pay the workers as the crop sharing.

The Sharecropping Labor
The Sharecropping Labor

The Origin of Sharecropping Labor System Aftermath of the Civil War

This labor system was evolved because of the failure between the contract between the labor system and the land reformation. This contract system was designed to make the negotiation between white landowners and former slaves.

Following the civil war, the owner or plantation owners without the slaves were unable to farm their land. That is why sharecropping existed to give the beneficial between both of them. It was because landowners could access the labor to grow the cotton.

The Sharecropping Labor
sharecropper aftermath

However, they also dis not to pat the laborers. It was the main benefit in the post-war that made cash poor but had rich land. In the sharecropping labor system, the worker felt free to negotiate the workplace to get the possibility.

So, they would get enough money to buy several farm equipment. Through this system, it could develop the agriculture system in Rural Georgia up to 100 years. Besides, it could improve the sharecropping population in Georgia.

Sharecropper Life Aftermath of the Civil War

Most of the sharecropper aftermath of the civil war was making the money by paying off to the debts. Besides, most of the landowners or farm owners loved to control the worker who worked on their farm. Thus, it would make them unhappy with it.

Even though the owner instructed the croppers, the croppers had a degree of social independence. They had similar social ways before and aftermath of the civil war. Whereas, they wanted to get a better life aftermath than the civil war happened.

However, most of the land in the sharecropping labor system was owned by someone rather than their land. It could be seen through around 16.000 farms was operated by the black owner while, in the same year, around 100.000 tenants managed by African Americans.

The Sharecropping Labor
the civil war

The End of Sharecropping Aftermath the Civil War

Sharecropping aftermath the civil war in Georgia was ended in the mid-twentieth century. It was ended because of many workers left their fields for the North and the South cities. Besides, black Georgians also left for the state for several reasons.

In this way, some poor whites also left to the rural areas and looked for better payment. Most of them chose the industrial employment in the growing cities. However, in that time, mechanical transportation for agriculture like a tractor, cotton picker, and so on allowed.

The Sharecropping Labor
The Sharecropping Labor

The reason was to increase the field commodities because of the fewer workers and the lower labor costs. Because of it, sharecropping could help and define the sate economic aftermath of the civil war. Unfortunately, at the end of the twentieth century, it was disappeared.

Sharecropping as the labor system aftermath the civil war gave several functions. It could help the state government increase their economical state aftermath of the civil war. However, the sharecropping labor system has not existed in the last of the twentieth century.